Pink Ribbon is a CSS pack by fatgrrlz.

CSS packs are sets of website decorations for use on personal websites. They typically contain a cursor, tiled background, and navigation buttons. They can also contain additional decorative images, banners, border images, and more.

Pink Ribbon contains:

You can either add the CSS pack to your web directory and add the stylesheet in the head of your website, or simply use the assets with your own stylesheet.

For best results, you can take code from the provided stylesheet and tweak it to your website's needs.

Get it here! Or, just save the bits you want to use below :3

Navigation Buttons

navigation button left
navigation button right
navigation button left navigation button right
navigation button left
navigation button right
navigation button left navigation button right
menu button menu button exit button
button button button


banner banner



Background Tile

tiled lace background tiled plaid background tiled plaid background


animated cursor
animated cursor
static cursor static cursor

Misc. Decor

favicon decor decor decor