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Artwork - Decor

Decor - Backgrounds

Decor - Borders

Decor - Candles

An image of a trio of burning candles.
An image of a trio of burning candles.
An image of some flowers in a small, triangular vase.
An image of some flowers in a small, triangular vase.
An image of lavender in a tiny, round vase.
An image of lavender in a tiny, round vase.

Decor - Cursors

NOTE - Cursors do not work right out of the box - you'll need to either use some kind of JavaScript or CSS solution to get it to work. My personal solution is to split apart the GIF using something like ezGIF and adding CSS below to your stylesheet for the animations.

html{cursor:[PUT FIRST .PNG], default; animation: cursor alternate 0.5s linear infinite forwards;} @keyframes cursor { 0% { cursor: [PUT FIRST .PNG], default; } 50% { cursor: [PUT SECOND .PNG], default; } 100% { cursor: [PUT THIRD .PNG], default; } }

An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a pink bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a blue bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a green bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a purple bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a red bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a white bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a black bow next to it.
An image of a heart-shaped cursor with a yellow bow next to it.