About Style Savvy

A screenshot from the game Style Savvy. It shows the creating outfit screen. A gold necklace is selected.

In Style Savvy, you get to own and customize your very own fashion boutique - everything from its name to the decorations (which can help draw in customers that enjoy specific aesthetics), to even being able to customize mannequins. You make money by helping customers find what they're looking for. This can range from specific articles of clothing to asking for you to curate full-blown outfits for them. It's important to stay stocked with as many options as you can!

A screenshot from the game Style Savvy. It shows the Buyer's Center brands selection screen. It has a blue button-up as the day's exclusive item.

To restock, you'll need to seek out the Buyer's Center, where each of the 16 different brands a selection of their offerings. If you have too much stock, you can also remove it from your stockroom. Later in the game, you'll have the option of sending out ads and flyers to get customers interested in specific items, or hold sales to sell your stock at a discount. When you purchase items from the Buyer's Center, you'll receive a copy of those items for your own player character to wear.
The game runs off of the Nintendo DS's real time clock, meaning that different brands will appear on different days of the week. Each day will also have an exclusive special, that features a rarer article from one of the brands. On Sundays, the Buyer's Center will hold a Preseason Event, where you can buy clothing to prepare for the upcoming season. These items don't directly go to stock, rather they are shipped to your boutique the following day.

A screenshot from the game Style Savvy. It shows the Contest Hall, and information about the Team Captain contest.

A big part of the game is participating in fashion contests. As your boutique's rank rises, you gain access to higher and higher ranks. Contests have a specific theme, and you need to dress your model to best fit the contest's theme. The model that best matches that theme wins! Winners receive a unique clothing item from the ellusive costume brand Masquerade, as well as being featured in the in-game fashion magazine, Nuances. You'll also get an influx of customers looking to buy items featured on the magazine!

A screenshot from the game Style Savvy. It shows the cosmetics selection screen.

When you make a sale, you earn not only money for the boutique, but also in your personal funds for use at the hair salon or the cosmetics store, where you can change your hair or hair color and purchase cosmetics respectively. You'll unlock additional hair and makeup options as you sell to more and more customers - you'll know when Didi or Olivia appear at your boutique!

A screenshot from the game Style Savvy. It shows the brand collaboration screen.

If you purchase enough clothing from a specific brand, you'll be able to design clothing in collaboration with them. The customization is limited to changing two colors, with eight options each. The brand representative will arrive with stock of the collaboration items when you enter your shop on the next day. Customers will even comment their delight when they see that you've collaborated with their favorite brand!