
🎶Welcome to my unboxing video haha🎵

As promised, here's the actual section of my site where I put my reviews on various products I've tried out.

Like I said on the home page, I'm not a health professional - I don't have any major allergies as far as I can tell, so it's important that if you do, that you make sure to check the ingredient lists or refer to your doctor before trying out some of these products. A lot of them have a bunch of funny ingredients and oils and fragrances that may cause reactions if you are sensitive to those ingredients. I'll link back to any products where possible. The prices I've listed are what I paid/would have paid for it at the time of receiving them, and are in USD.

milky bath bubble bar

milky bath reusable bubble bar | LUSH | $14.50


  • Bath color - white
  • Bubblage - SO MUCH
  • Scent - patchouli
  • Uses - i don't think this can actually be used up??

Holy fuck this thing's magic. It's real dense and has this waxy texture to it that I don't like, but when actually used? It makes SO MANY BUBBLES. Like, it's ridiculous how many bubbles you get. It also has this pleasant sort of smell to it that's pretty okay if you're fine with patchouli. I've used this a couple times whenever I've got a bath bomb that's not up to snuff to get more bubblage.

twilight jelly

twilight shower jelly | LUSH | $9.50


  • Bath color - n/a
  • Bubblage - lowish mid
  • Scent - lavender
  • Uses - MANY holy shit

Got this on a whim. More specifically, I got this one because I found a weird off-color one that was actually more purple than blue and found it so totally Alfredo-core that I had to grab that shit. I dunno, guess I found its shiny version or something. Anyway, It's incredibly pretty and I like looking at it. It smells good, too, but it's difficult to lather on its own. But if you use a wash cloth with one of these? They literally last forever. Unfortunately, I also wanna stick my dick in one of these which is not great when you don't have a dick and you're trying to shower so I'm knocking a star off.

rose jam bubbleroon

rose jam bubbleroon | LUSH | $10.50


  • Bath color - pink
  • Bubblage - mid
  • Scent - roses
  • Uses - 2

Got this as part of the "Blooming Beautiful" gift set. It's fine. It's just ok. I can't say I'm much of a fan of their bubbleroons, this one's a little better than another one I'll cover because it smells nice and makes your bath pink and bubbly but I kind of just don't really care all that much about it? Like, it's pink and it's pretty, but it's not wildly pretty like a bath bomb or super bubbly like a bubble bar. It's just kinda mid.

sakura bath bomb

sakura bath bomb | LUSH | $7.50


  • Bath color - white
  • Bubblage - low
  • Scent - floral
  • Uses - 1

Got this as part of the "Blooming Beautiful" gift set. This one's pretty good! It doesn't have very much going on in the visuals department but it makes up tenfold in the smells - it had this strong floral scent that was really pleasant smelling and hung around in my bathroom for a solid couple days after using. I think an equivalent bubble bar would probably be more worth the money but overall, good stuff.

apple crumble bubbleroon

apple crumble bubbleroon | LUSH | $14.50

  • Bath color - red
  • Bubblage - mid
  • Scent - uhhh
  • Uses - 2

Not gonna lie, this one was kind of a disappointment! Apples are some of my favorite fruits so the prospect of an apple-y bubble bar was really appealing. Unfortunately, this bubbleroon does not deliver. It doesn't crumble as well as most other bubble bars, so even after I thought I crumbled it all, there was still some floating around. It was real annoying :( The reddish color also stained noticeably more than the other products I've tried, and the apple scent wasn't very noticeable at all. A total bummer :((( and at such high price point I was expecting more. Total waste, don't buy.

I tried using this one like an actual bubble bar and cutting it into quarters, but I ended up just using this as halves since the bath didn't seem to have enough color/bubblage when I used quarters. Ugh!

goddess bath bomb

goddess bath bomb | LUSH | $10


  • Bath color - purple
  • Bubblage - low
  • Scent - rose
  • Uses - 1

This one kinda fucks. It's this real pleasant purple tone with swirling sparkles. I probably spent the longest bath I've had in a while with one of these. So this is that Mara Sov's Bath Water I've seen in the Crucible so many times.

sex bomb bath bomb

sex bomb bath bomb | LUSH | $9


  • Bath color - pink
  • Bubblage - low
  • Scent - really nice
  • Uses - 1

Got this as part of the "Blooming Beautiful" gift set. Ohh I like this one. This one is good. The smell is divine. The bath is pink. I felt really good getting out of the tub. Good shit. Would buy again even if the sexy sex sex branding makes it a little awkward.

rainbow bubble bar

rainbow bubble bar | LUSH | $15


  • Bath color - vibrant orange
  • Bubblage - high
  • Scent - citrus
  • Uses - 4

This was my "first" LUSH product I've ever used, and one I actually got for free from the LUSH at Chandler Mall. The folks working there were really nice and, after telling them that it was my first time going to a LUSH, they threw one in as a freebie. As such, my review of it is going to be a little biased. I was able to divvy it up pretty equally into fourths, making the bubble bar about $3.75 per use. It made a ton of bubbles, and my tub was a very vibrant Fanta orange. It had this pleasant citrus scent to it that didn't lean into the dreaded cleaning product or candy categories.

Overall, I really like it. Those looking for a thriftier option for some bougie bathtimes should definitely consider getting a bubble bar instead of your usual bath bomb.

ippuku dan bath bomb set

san san ippuku bath bomb | LUSH | $15 (part of set of 3)


  • Bath color - vibrant pink
  • Bubblage - low
  • Scent - floral? maybe?
  • Uses - 1

This is part of the Ippuku Dan set of bath bombs - you get three in a pack for $15. I like the shape of them, it reminds me of those Wyld gummy boxes. It was incredibly, vibrantly pink. Apparently it was supposed to have this floral aroma to it, and I could smell it from holding the bath bomb, but once it was in the tub, it smelt like nothing. I definitely think this set is worth a try for those looking to give bath bombs a try - the entire set comes to around $5 a bath bomb, less than what you'd pay for with a supermarket one.

black rose bath bomb

black rose bath bomb | LUSH | $10


  • Bath color - abyssal black
  • Bubblage - mid
  • Scent - unnoticeable
  • Uses - 1

My first bougie single-use bath bomb. The process of it was ridiculously pretty - on hitting the water the bath bomb erupts into a foamy purple and grey cloud, and rolls around in the tub while color trails behind. There's a little bit of a shimmer to it, too. It's so pretty. Unfortunately, the party's over once it stops, and leaves you with a deep, black abyss to sit in. It's a little trippy at first, seeing your legs disappear, but after that it just seems kind of annoying hoping that you don't accidentally stain something in your tub. Definitely a bath bomb you'll need to rinse your tub after use. It's supposed to have a floral sent, but I didn't notice it at all. It's a good gift for the goth in your life, but unless you really want to try out a moody bath, you can find better bombs for cheaper.

golden egg bath bomb melt

golden egg bath bomb melt | LUSH | $8.50


  • Bath color - mountain dew green, mild glitter
  • Bubblage - low
  • Scent - supposedly citrus?
  • Uses - 1

Another one of those bougie bath bombs. I got this one solely to sate my curiousity - and to make egg irl jokes about it. Because like the trans woman you probably have in your life, you will be bathing in Mountain Dew.

No, literally. It's this incredibly vibrant green tone. The second I saw it, I was so amused about it that I was writing about the bath bomb before I even got into the tub. It's a bit of a pain in the ass - it's a smaller bath bomb, and one covered in a shit ton of gold glitter that has ridiculous fallout. It got everywhere. I even had glitter on my purse two days after I had taken the bath... but in the tub, the water had a very subtle glimmer to it. It was rather pretty, sitting in my tub fulla gamer girl bath water. Once the glitter washed off, the egg was half yellow, half blue - Vivec egg. The jokes write themselves, it's great. Literally giving this an extra star solely because of that.

It's supposed to have a Brazilian orange and bergamot aroma to it, but I didn't notice anything until the day after I took my bath.